GDPR Global Best Practices for Protection Against Data Breaches
The Energy Innovation Center Institute has partnered with Olive Media and Eckert Seamens to offer a US and EU compliant GDPR Step 1 General Compliance course. The 35-minute course is offered on-line with access through our website and is in accordance with EU GDPR requirements.
Even if your company is not working with data from an EU citizen its is still considered a global best practice for any company dealing with online data to these types of courses to provide awareness to all their employees.
Are you GDPR Ready?
EU Companies and companies which deal with the personal data of the EU citizens are looking for every possible way which makes them GDPR compliant. Key employees of the firm, especially those who deal with the personal data of the clients have to double check the validity and authenticity of the already existing data protection facilities of the firm and make necessary changes to make themselves GDPR Compliant.
GDPR training must be given to those employees who are unaware of the law and the penalties if the firm fails to attain the GDPR compliance. Documentation of the available data in a proper way can also make the route much easier for the firm to be GDPR compliant. Designating a Data Protection officer is highly recommended while you are preparing for GDPR, a responsible officer will be well aware of the do’s and don’ts while dealing with the data of the clients. Companies should make necessary arrangements to detect and stop data breaches.
Consent or approval of the client is one of the most important aspects while dealing with the personal data. The client must be well aware of how the information is going to be used by the company and give his or her consent for the same. While using the information of children, the Company must make sure that they have the consent of the parents. By making a simple and short agreement the client will easily understand the policy of the company and it is always the perfect choice to get the consent.
The GDPR 12-Steps
The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) will come into force on the 25th May 2018, replacing the existing data protection framework under the EU Data Protection Directive.
As a regulation, it will not generally require transposition into Irish law (regulations have ‘direct effect’), so organizations involved in data processing of any sort need to be aware the regulation addresses them directly in terms of the obligations it imposes. The GDPR emphasizes transparency, security and accountability by data controllers, while at the same time standardizing and strengthening the right of European citizens to data privacy.
The office of the Data Protection Commissioner (DPC) is aware that the increased obligations that the GDPR places on companies might cause some anxieties for business planners. The aim is to try to alleviate some of those concerns, and facilitate a smooth transition to future data privacy standards for data controllers and data subjects alike.
1. Becoming Aware
2. Information you hold
3. Communicating Privacy Information
4. Individuals’ Rights
5. Subject Access Requests
6. Lawful Basis
7. Consent
8. Children
9. Data Breaches
10. Data Protection by Design and Data Protection Impact Assessments
11. Data Protection Officers
12. International